Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hicc-a-ma-pups and Personal Crests

Darryl has a clinically severe case of the hiccups – or, as my Granddad used to call them - “hicc-a-ma-pups.”  He can’t get rid of them.  I said I was going to blog about his ridiculous affliction and he said “don’t mention any names,” but I couldn’t do that to y’all.  You have a right to know that Darryl has chronic pups.  He is a member of this blog family and we take care of our own.  When he was on his way to pick me up for dinner he let me know in advance that he has the pups and that they won’t go away.  And I’m talking about days here - he’s had the hiccups on and off for days!   I gave a look around the condo to see what I might have on hand to cure hiccups and all I could come up with was an airplane bottle of Whipped Cream Vodka.  When I got in the car I handed it over to him.  He said “What’s this for?” I said “Obviously it’s for your hiccups.”  “This will cure my hiccups?” He asked.  “Absolutely” I responded (you can’t waver when it comes to these things – you have to be confident when handing over a hiccup remedy).  Without further inquiry he unscrewed the top and tossed back a generous swig of the “tonic.”  His hiccups immediately STOPPED!!!!  I am a miracle worker!!!!  I was feeling pretty good about curing his hiccups until midway through dinner when they came back.  I tried to get him to drink from the wrong side of the cup, I tried to scare him, I smacked him, threw my napkin at him and then gave up when nothing worked.  While he was driving me home he was driving with one hand and picking his teeth with a toothpick/floss contraption with the other all the while his body was violently jarring with the hiccups.  It was quite a sight to see.  I just stared at him (giggling) and said “You look like a hot mess.”  He didn’t disagree.  Earlier in the evening he had given me an update on his shoulder tendinitis and his tennis elbow – now add chronic hiccups and something stuck in his teeth and that equals hot mess by reasonable standards.  Boy, when 40 hits it hits with a wallop!!!!  Because Darryl is one of my favorite people, I let him take the rest of the Whipped Cream Vodka home with him.  He later texted me that if he continues to follow my advice, the hiccups would go away because he would simply pass out.  Perfect!  Problem solved.  I love it when a plan comes together!
So, this week in Get the Life You Love class we created our personal crests.  I really love when I get to color!!!  Otherwise, class was more cuckoo than usual.  I can’t really explain why.  The conversations were totally from bizarro land and we had another massage orgy, but I totally had fun designing my personal crest!

Darryl taking his "tonic" prior to bed
(I wasn't actually with Darryl.  He was kind enough to record his self-medication)
My Personal Crest (mountains, travel, Ireland, art, friends & family and peace)

I just love this!!
If I could shout this from a mountain top I would
(. . .well, I guess I can - maybe I will)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Two Sunday Walkabouts

Someone suggested once that I change the name of my blog - that I really don't talk that much about fitness - that it's really just about me and whatever is going on in my life at any given moment.  Well, yeah that's true.  But I never anticipated that this blog would be all about fitness, which is why I added the "well, sort of" disclaimer after the title.  With all the recent changes in my life (and hopefully more to come) I knew there would be a lot on my mind worth blogging about.  As you know, it was my initial hope that the new blog would encourage me to be more active - both in the fitness realm and in the social realm.  While I may not be motivated to compete in triathlons or run marathons or even keep up with anything close to a consistent exercise regime (yet - and the "yet" only applies to the exercise regime - because I am not interested in running marathons or competing in triathlons), I do think having the blog has helped motivate me to be more active and to accept invitations where I might have otherwise declined.  So, the blog title stays!  And if you realize that I haven't written about fitness in a good long while, you are welcome (and expected) to heckle me, which might encourage me to roll my arse off the couch and do something!  Amy might not do fitness all the time - but damnit she does it sometimes.  With that being said, I wanted to post a couple of pictures of my recent Sunday walkabouts with friends.  I am calling them "hikes" actually (you might not consider them hikes, but they were in the woods, so as far as I'm concerned, that's a hike).  Sunday before last I drove out to Roswell and Mel and I walked a very beautiful 5k trail in the area and this Sunday my good friend Mark Carter and I walked to the top of Kennesaw Mountain.  It was only one mile up and one mile back down, but it was straight up.  I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf!!  This weekend I am going up to Knotty Pines Cabin so I hope to take a few walkabouts while I am there - check in with my favorite dog pack! 

Me getting ready to hit the trail

Mel in front of some lovely scenery

Mark Carter - Top of Kennesaw Mountain

Me - Top of Kennesaw Mountain
Me and Mark - Top of the Mountain!

Friday, February 24, 2012

If I'm Not Prepared When the Zombies Come - It's Your Fault!!!!

So, I have the Scoutmob app on my iPhone- and for those of you who live under a rock - Scoutmob sends you good deals for events, restaurants, stores, massages, whatever, in your local area. Unlike Lawrence, I am not a total coupon slut, but I have found a couple of good deals here and there. What I do know, is that there are a limited number of coupons so if it looks like the coupon is going to be really popular you have to act fast before they are all gone.  Yesterday, like every other day, I got my Scoutmob email and the most horrifically amazing coupon was being offered.   I have pasted a copy of the text here:

 at Quickshot

If The Walking Dead zombies actually hit the streets of Atlanta hungry for brains, one better know how to rekill 'em. Or at least know how to shoot the paper version. Practice at Quickshot and unleash on the undead. ATL’s only ITP shooting range also offers some of the best cookies in town baked by the owners' mom. Perfect. The only thing we like more than zombie-huntin' is cookie-eatin' WHILE zombie-huntin'.

OBVIOUSLY this coupon was going to sell out immediately (cause who wouldn't want to prepare for the impending zombie war sure to hit Atlanta).  Because there are no flies on me (maybe some asshole gnats and ladybug imposters, but no flies) I sent out an urgent email alert to a few of my friends letting them know that for the low low price of $39 each we could get our zombie training and then refuel after a long hard training by eating home baked cookies.  It's sort of like giving blood and then they give you juice and cookies - it's just that important  At least I thought it was.  Mel has still not responded to the urgent alert (which is surprising because she typically takes her supernatural threats very seriously).  Perhaps the zombies have already reached her and it's simply too late.  Lawrence responded: "Me and guns? No Thx."  Darryl responded: "I think we'll skip this adventure."  Olivia and Diane were all for shooting zombies, but it didn't fit into their busy busy schedules.  I mean for reals people?  We are talking about shooting zombies with MACHINE GUNS and eating COOKIES!!  It seems like a no brainer - especially if those zombies get ahold of our brains!!!!  Is it just me?  Do I have so much supernatural in my life that preparing for a zombie invasion seems like a "must do."  I don't know.  Alls I know is that if zombies invade and take over the streets of Atlanta and I am not properly trained to gank them, I'm blaming all of you.  Now, if I didn't send you an email asking you to accompany me on a zombie shooting extravaganza (cause I'll admit, I did get a bit discouraged by the blase attitudes of the rest of yous that I gave up) and you would be interested in going for a low low price of $39 each, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.  It might still be available (but I doubt it, because I'm sure everyone else took their zombie training more seriously than my crew).  Why don't I just go alone - you ask?  I will do a lot of things by myself, but show up at the shooting range to be fitted for a machine gun ain't one of them.  I think that's one of those things that requires witnesses.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vision Board

Last night in class we worked on our vision boards.  We were instructed to cut out pictures and phrases from magazines and/or on line that best represent one vision - one thing (or state of being) we strive to attain in the future.  While I have many visions in mind that I hope to one day achieve (i.e. weight loss, relationship, hair-free chin - whatever) - I used this particular vision board to focus on the folk art gallery / cafe I hope to open up one day soon in the North Georgia "mountains." Accordingly, my vision board is covered with images of art and coffee and baked goods and other artsy things.  It also includes phrases having to do with art and creativity and such, as well as a cute little chalkboard sign saying "We Are Open."  I also added a smattering of Mom's artwork here and there on the board and a picture of her in the upper right-hand corner since I hope to "exploit" - I mean make use of - her talents as much as possible.  Although it sounds kind of silly, I love doing things like this because it's artsy and I love all things artsy. Plus I am more of a right-brained kind of thinker and this board really was a great exercise in helping me envision it all - plus it's pretty!!!  I also included a picture of myself in the middle standing behind the counter of The Coffee Shop in Union Hall, Ireland.  She said to include a photo of ourselves in the proper setting.  I didn't have a photo of myself running a business so I used the photo of myself pretending to run a business.  I also squished the photo in a bit so I looked super skinny!!  Hey, it's my vision!!  I can do what I want.  I also included (and you'll have to look closely towards the bottom left-hand corner) a picture of a little business card that says "Expect a Miracle."  Mom gave me this card (I think) before I left for law school and I have had it in my wallet ever since. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share my vision board with y'all.  It is posted sideways below so you will have to turn your head a bit.

Oh, I also wrote a children's book (two actually) about ten years ago when I was teaching preschool and I am going to start looking into getting it published over the next few.  Mom (of course) is going to be the illustrator!  It is going to be fabulous and we are going to make millions!!!  Mark my words!!  Maybe I will share it with you at some point. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Death Mugs and Ladybugs

My house is the house where bugs come to die.  You can use that as my official address from this day forward  – “Amy Sullivan c/o The House Where Bugs Come to Die.”  Some I allow to die of natural causes and some I take down like the dirty rotten bastards they are.  When Mel, Stacey and I started this veggie/fruit kick (now is not the time to ask how that is going – first there was birthday extravaganza and now there are girl scout cookies – enough said) I began (obviously) having tons of fruits and veggies in my house.  WELL – along with the fruits and veggies came sniveling, sneaking, un-smackable gnats!!  Gnats are such assholes!  Most people don’t have gnats right now because of the weather (well, when we aren’t having weird summertime-like winter).  But my house is like an incubator.  In the daytime – regardless of the temperature outside, my house heats up to a sultry 80 to 85 degrees due to the wall full of windows.  I tried to ignore these damn gnats until they started buzzing around my face while I was trying to watch my stories on TV – don’t make me mad while I am watching my Vampire Diaries!!!  When I caught them buzzing around my bathroom mirror I went into full battle mode.  I searched on line how to get rid of these assholes.  I discovered that you could put a bit of cider vinegar in a bowl or something  and then cover the opening with plastic wrap and then finally poke a couple of tiny holes in the top.  The irresistible sweet vinegar lures them to the container, they walk around the top of the plastic until they eventually find the tiny holes and then they fly down in to fatten themselves with the vinegar.  Sated with vinegar they fly back up to go about whatever asshole activities they had planned for the day and find that they can’t find their way out in time (because they are stupid) and then they die!!!!!!  Boohoohoooahahahaha (that’s my evil laugh).  I don’t know why they can find their way in, but can’t find their way out.  It happens to the best of us I guess.  All I know is that it works!!!!!  I used coffee mugs as my vinegar containers (I made sure to use DLA Piper mugs since they laid me off back during the “dark days” – it seemed fitting).  I call them my “death mugs.” 
The ladybugs also come to my house to die.  They come in the hundreds.  I have always been told that it is bad luck to kill a ladybug so I just let them be.  They mostly stay up at the top of the ceiling – huddled in groups.  But they buzz around the house from time to time.  I assume they come into my house to get warm and live out the final days of their lives.  When they finally die, they drop down on the ground and I sweep them up and toss them out.  Sometimes I see them walking on the floor and I step over them – often saying “oh, excuse me.”  If they land on me or my plate or my computer I will gently flick them off, but I don’t put them out or kill them – I just remind them that “this is my space.”  If the windows are open I might flick them outside, but for the most part they are my roommates.  Earl the Cat even ignores them now.  He used to spastically gaze at the ceiling wondering if they were going to let him kill them, but they can almost land beside him now and he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow – he must know it’s bad luck to kill them – or he just thinks they belong here like we do.  And I guess they do.  Someone recently told me that they are not “real” ladybugs, but some kind of beetle that looks like a ladybug.  Why?  Is the “don’t kill a ladybug because it’s bad luck” notion so widespread that bugs are now using that as their defense mechanism - evolving to look like ladybugs because they know no one will kill them??   Maybe, but I am not taking any chances. . . . .unless they start flying in my face while Vampire Diaries is on.  A girl has to have her limits.
Love, peace and ladybugs y’all!

The "death mugs" - Black and White seems more appropriate

A look inside the death mugs - Eeeegads

Ceiling ladybug clusters (ignore the dirt and grime - it's 14 feet up y'all)
Ladybug in my bathroom sink - he hung out there for a day or two

Friday, February 17, 2012

Synchronicity - or something like that . . .

Ok, sorry for the inconsistency in the blogs these days - I'm either hot or I'm cold (and no, that is not a reference to my inevitable pre-mature menopause). I was on the "try to blog at least once a week" kick in the beginning and then I dropped off for weeks at at time and then I got bored in Conference Room C and realized I could access the blog at work (which I am totally doing right now) and I was posting completely random things multiple times a day.  I know there are at least five of you who consistently read the blog so I am really just apologizing to you five for not being consistent - the rest of you - well, you are probably 8 blogs behind anyway and this won't matter a lick to you - so - no apology for you.  I actually have a list of things I want to blog about, but just haven't had the time (and by time I mean energy and motivation) to sit down and put fingers to keyboard. 

Mel and I started our six week "Get The Life You Love" class at Emory University two weeks ago and it is quite a hoot.  We took most of the first class getting to know each other (and by getting to know each other I mean telling the class what animal we would like to be and why) and talking about what the six classes will cover - leading to our getting the lives we love. I must say, we have an interesting group of participants in the class - not surprising given the course material - a special type of person (myself included) is drawn to the touchy feely self-improvement type seminars.  Some of our classmates (myself included) seem to really be at the crossroads.  Some are younger (although I don't think anyone in the class is younger than 30 something) and dealing with career type or relationship type issues and some are older and dealing with legacy type issues such as "what does it all mean" or "how do I pull it all together."  My favorite class member is my and Mel's "email buddy" - she is an open lesbian (early to mid 60s I think) who has the most amazing stories.  One of the topics discussed in our first class was synchronicity (I'll admit, I had to google it after class, but the instructor sort of described it as those events/actions in life that lead you somewhere or to something that changes your life - and would have never happened but for your taking a certain action).  Our instructor asked how we could make sure we are open to or aware of these moments of synchronicity.  I suggested we simply "look up" - and I described how I often find myself walking along looking down at the ground, unaware of what is happening around me.  Our new email buddy suggested we "listen."  When the instructor asked her to expand on what she meant by "listen" she went on say, among other things, that we could listen to the trees - because they are very talkative. I KNEW IT!!!!  I knew those trees in my parking lot were laughing at and talking about me!  Trees, they can be shifty little buggers.  She of course implied that trees had positive things to say to us, but I know that that's not always the case.  The trees up in NONO (that's the North end of North Ave. in case you don't know - there's also SONO and then there's Oh!NO - which is where you really don't want to go) are a bit hoity toity if you ask me.  Nonetheless, as soon as she told me I should be listening to the trees cause they are very talkative I knew I was going to like her.  On my way home to Asheville last weekend I decided to stage my own moment of synchronicity.  I put my iPod on random and decided that the first ten songs were going to be a message for me at this stage in my life.  Yeah, yeah, this might not be really what synchronicity means.  But you'll have to admit the concept is a bit wishy washy and the instructor did say to try things like opening up a book at random to see what is on that page (stuff like that) - so this was me being synchornitious (made up word).  Typing up the list of songs and what I gleaned from the songs after deep thought and consideration is one of the blogs I have in my hopper (all locked safe in my head) - it will take a hot minute to compose so I will try for that one this weekend.  I know you are on the edge of your seats and might not be able to continue on  - knowing that you are being deprived of my list of ten random songs, but cool your heels- it's coming soon!! 

We had our second class this Tuesday and at the half-way point the instructor had us all gather in the middle of the room and stand in a circle facing the back of the person in front of us.  She said she was going to take us through an exercise that she does with corporate executives all the times and she thinks we know each other well enough now to do it (mind, we have only had one and a half classes so we have known each other a total of 3 hours - besties we are not).  I assumed we were going to conga around the room.  It would not have surprised me.  I once worked with a telemarketing company where we started each day with a group round of the hokie pokie (I am absolutely not making that up - I was still living in Asheville at that time though so that explains it).  Anyway, she did surprise me when she told us to begin massaging the back of the person in front of us. . . . . . . . . yes, we engaged in a massage orgy.  It was a bit awkward.  Then we turned around the other way and "repaid the favor" - if you will.  So, the moral of the story?  Be open to those moments of synchronicity (whatever the hell it really means - just pay attention damnit).  Go a different way to work, order something different from the menu, go inside the bank instead of using the drive-through- you never know what might happen!!!!  And watch out for those trees!!!  Oh, and rub a stranger's back - really get in there good. 

The silliness of the class will be most entertaining, but in the end I hope the class will help me get more focused and organized about moving towards my ultimate goal (now that I know it is my goal) of opening up my folk art gallery / coffee shop.  She asked us to envision our dream - to feel it, see it, hear it, smell it. I did - and it looked, sounded, smelled and felt goooooood.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This isn't a real post, just a quick HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY message from me to you!!!!  Whether you are hanging with a loved one, cuddling up with a book with fictional characters who are way dreamier and much more manageable than real people (maybe that's just me), doing nothing, taking a bath, stuffing your face with Krispy Kreme doughnuts (that might just be me too), attending a self-help class (well, just me again? No, Mel too) or whatever - Enjoy!!!  I brought a dozen heart-shaped KK doughnuts with me to Conference Room C this morning.  Looks like Juniata and I are the only ones eating them!!!  Oh well, we have our work cut out for us.  Speaking for myself - I am certainly up for the challenge.  Love you!!

Well, maybe a few of you do.  I won't call you out though.

Yummmmmm.  Even the "hot doughnuts now" doughnuts were
shaped like hearts!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Birthday Weekend 2012

Howdy folks!!  Lisa, Mel, Olivia, Sarah and I went to Dahlonega, Georgia to celebrate my 40th birthday this past weekend and it was a fabulous weekend.  We had a bit of rain Friday night and Saturday morning, but the rain cleared and the sun came out Saturday afternoon. We tasted at least 20 wines and my favorite (called Audacity) came from Frogtown Cellars!  A great time was had by all.  It was a low-key and relaxing weekend with wine, cake and family/friends.  I can definitely see myself settling down in Dahlonega with a small folk art / coffee shop sometime in the very near future.  I  will let the pictures speak for themselves. 

Absolutely beautiful birthday
cake decorated in Mom's art

Different view of cake


Frogtown Cellars Vineyards

The gang: Lisa, Olivia, Me, Mel and Sarah

Rain on trees at Frogtown
Cellars Vineyards
Frogtown Cellars Winery
First tasting at Frogtown Cellars

Frogtown Dog
Me and Olivia

Mel and Sarah (several glasses
under their belts)
Mel, Lisa and Sarah
(red wine mouths!!)

Beautiful view at Three Sisters

The gang at Three Sisters Vineyards

Cat in a box at Three Sisters

Dahlonega sky Saturday evening
Sarah after a day of tastings!!!

Me at Frogtown Cellars Winery

Our waiter at Frogtown Cellars (hee hee hee)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday to me; Happy Birthday to me; Happy Birthday to me ME!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!

So, now I’m 40.  I lay in bed this morning wondering who would be the first to call and wish me Happy Birthday (oh, like you don’t do that!).   Then I thought I would start a list of who called (or texted because texting is the new talking) and in what order - my thinking being that surely the first to call is the one who loves me the most and so on and so forth as you get to the end of the list.  So here’s the list (and I didn’t count Facebook posts, just direct calls, texts and emails):

First: Olivia (WINNING!! To be fair, Olivia and I do share a birthday so she already had birthday on the brain)
Second: Darryl (although he refused to sing, but since he loves me second best of all he gets a pass)
Third:  Mom and Dad (They always like Lisa better anyway)
Forth:  Deborah
Fifth:  ING Direct (Yeah, that one surprised me too.  Technically they emailed me at 1:04 am so they love me most of all, but I didn’t check it until later so it doesn’t count; plus I refuse to accept that my savings account loves me more than friends and family.  Also, they offered me a free subscription to ODE magazine, but I was still kind of groggy from sleep and thought it said “OLD magazine” and I was all “Oh hells no – I’m totally moving my savings!” but then realized it was ODE magazine –and unless that stands for “Old Dusty Esquire” we’re good)
Sixth: Sarah
Seventh: Lisa (And she had the nerve to call me sans Maya and Micah – so really that should knock her down the list some, but I’m not that cruel – I know she worked hard for her spot at seventh – mmmph)
Eighth:  Mel (But she had really cool graphics in her text – and she swears that she thought of calling me at the crack ass of dawn, and so on and so forth – but she did meet me for birthday dinner so technically she should be moved to the top because food is definitely the way to my heart)
Ninth: Tamera
Tenth:  Lawrence (I guess he was too tired from running his marathon this weekend to rank in the top five of my birthday list – It will likely kill him to know he's in the middle of the pack, but he is taking me to dinner tomorrow so, again, he ain’t no fool)
Eleventh: Mike Baldauff
Twelfth:  Jill
Thirteenth:  Pam Marshall (living in Ireland)
Fourteenth:  Bob (who was apparently drunk)
Fifteenth and LAST:  Maya and Micah ( I think they would be appalled if they knew they were last, but since Lisa hasn’t bought them iPhones yet, they were at her mercy to call when prompted and they did sing happy birthday to me so really they are only last on paper – not in my heart)
Well that was fun.  I had my Java Jive breakfast before going to work this morning and the owner put a candle in my biscuit (that just sounds weird – put a candle in my biscuit).  After breakfast I picked up my birthday cake that the Ladies of the Conference Room purchased for me (yes, I have to add that disclaimer - otherwise it just sounds desperate) and headed to work.  When I told the Ladies of the Conference Room about the "who loves me best birthday list" I was compiling they just looked at me like I was crazy.  Later I said that this would be the only birthday cake that I would get on my actual birthday and so Tanya said that should rank them spots 1, 2 and 3 of my birthday list.  I tend to agree with them.  I'd kinda like to see Olivia, Darryl and Mom and Dad battle it out with the Ladies of the Conference Room to maintain their top ranking spots. 
Anyway, thanks for all my birthday wishes (even if you are not on the list of cherished birthday callers, texters or emailers - or if you are on Facebook and I didn't count you because I was lazy - you will see how lazy when your birthday comes around and I forget to call, text or email - or I call three days after your birthday asking if you got my email (which I didn't actually send because I suck at remembering birthdays) but I am the one with the blog and today is all about me).  So, in closing, today was a great day - I am as full as a tick with birthday breakfast, cake and dinner (none of which was vegan) and I am looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend in North Georgia of wine, chocolate, cake and ya-ya sisterly bonding. 
Yummy Java Jive Birthday Breakfast
(candle in my biscuit - yo)
Cake inside box
Cake unveiled!!

Rare glimpse inside Conference Room C
(from left (your left not mine Lawrence - sorry, inside joke) to right in back - Juniata and then Tanya.
Clare is in front with me.  My face looks really big and I look a bit googly eyed and I could use a bit of lipstick, but I am taking the picture so that's my excuse - I know that's not a good excuse for the lack of lipstick - but geez, get off my back)
Me again (in Conf Room C)- looking less googly eyed