So, now I’m 40. I lay in bed this morning wondering who would be the first to call and wish me Happy Birthday (oh, like you don’t do that!). Then I thought I would start a list of who called (or texted because texting is the new talking) and in what order - my thinking being that surely the first to call is the one who loves me the most and so on and so forth as you get to the end of the list. So here’s the list (and I didn’t count Facebook posts, just direct calls, texts and emails):
First: Olivia (WINNING!! To be fair, Olivia and I do share a birthday so she already had birthday on the brain)
Second: Darryl (although he refused to sing, but since he loves me second best of all he gets a pass)
Third: Mom and Dad (They always like Lisa better anyway)
Forth: Deborah
Fifth: ING Direct (Yeah, that one surprised me too. Technically they emailed me at 1:04 am so they love me most of all, but I didn’t check it until later so it doesn’t count; plus I refuse to accept that my savings account loves me more than friends and family. Also, they offered me a free subscription to ODE magazine, but I was still kind of groggy from sleep and thought it said “OLD magazine” and I was all “Oh hells no – I’m totally moving my savings!” but then realized it was ODE magazine –and unless that stands for “Old Dusty Esquire” we’re good)
Sixth: Sarah
Seventh: Lisa (And she had the nerve to call me sans Maya and Micah – so really that should knock her down the list some, but I’m not that cruel – I know she worked hard for her spot at seventh – mmmph)
Eighth: Mel (But she had really cool graphics in her text – and she swears that she thought of calling me at the crack ass of dawn, and so on and so forth – but she did meet me for birthday dinner so technically she should be moved to the top because food is definitely the way to my heart)
Ninth: Tamera
Tenth: Lawrence (I guess he was too tired from running his marathon this weekend to rank in the top five of my birthday list – It will likely kill him to know he's in the middle of the pack, but he is taking me to dinner tomorrow so, again, he ain’t no fool)
Eleventh: Mike Baldauff
Twelfth: Jill
Thirteenth: Pam Marshall (living in Ireland)
Fourteenth: Bob (who was apparently drunk)
Fifteenth and LAST: Maya and Micah ( I think they would be appalled if they knew they were last, but since Lisa hasn’t bought them iPhones yet, they were at her mercy to call when prompted and they did sing happy birthday to me so really they are only last on paper – not in my heart)
Well that was fun. I had my Java Jive breakfast before going to work this morning and the owner put a candle in my biscuit (that just sounds weird – put a candle in my biscuit). After breakfast I picked up my birthday cake that the Ladies of the Conference Room purchased for me (yes, I have to add that disclaimer - otherwise it just sounds desperate) and headed to work. When I told the Ladies of the Conference Room about the "who loves me best birthday list" I was compiling they just looked at me like I was crazy. Later I said that this would be the only birthday cake that I would get on my actual birthday and so Tanya said that should rank them spots 1, 2 and 3 of my birthday list. I tend to agree with them. I'd kinda like to see Olivia, Darryl and Mom and Dad battle it out with the Ladies of the Conference Room to maintain their top ranking spots.
Anyway, thanks for all my birthday wishes (even if you are not on the list of cherished birthday callers, texters or emailers - or if you are on Facebook and I didn't count you because I was lazy - you will see how lazy when your birthday comes around and I forget to call, text or email - or I call three days after your birthday asking if you got my email (which I didn't actually send because I suck at remembering birthdays) but I am the one with the blog and today is all about me). So, in closing, today was a great day - I am as full as a tick with birthday breakfast, cake and dinner (none of which was vegan) and I am looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend in North Georgia of wine, chocolate, cake and ya-ya sisterly bonding.
Yummy Java Jive Birthday Breakfast
(candle in my biscuit - yo) |
Cake inside box |
Cake unveiled!! |
Rare glimpse inside Conference Room C
(from left (your left not mine Lawrence - sorry, inside joke) to right in back - Juniata and then Tanya.
Clare is in front with me. My face looks really big and I look a bit googly eyed and I could use a bit of lipstick, but I am taking the picture so that's my excuse - I know that's not a good excuse for the lack of lipstick - but geez, get off my back) |
Me again (in Conf Room C)- looking less googly eyed |