Sunday, June 17, 2012

To Dad . . . .



Me, Dad, Lisa
Just me and Dad

Lisa, Dad, Me

Just me and Dad

Lisa, Dad and Me

And Earl the Cat says "Happy Father's Day" to his Grandpa Pete too!!
 And Happy Father's Dad to all the other Dads (and soon to be Dads) out there too!!! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Locked Out . . .

I walked out of my condo at 8:00am this morning and got halfway to my car when I realized I had left my keys on the dining room table.  Car key.  Condo key.  Sitting on the table.  In my locked condo.  I can assure you, that realization stung like a sore-assed duck on a salt pond!!!!!  I called Lawrence (three times in a row) and got him out of a meeting. He couldn't find the spare key he has of mine so I called Mel. While I waited for Mel to drive into town from Alpharetta with a spare key, I sat down on the doormat in front of my condo, read my book on my iPhone and emailed with the Ladies of the Conference Room.  At some point Earl the Cat realized that I was sitting on the other side of the door.  I think it confused the crap out of him.  He started to meow at me.  Then he sat down against the other side of the door.  I know this because I heard his hefty arse plop down.  After a bit, he started to reach his paw under the door.  He was trying his darndist to get to me.  Earl and I held up our respective sides of the door until Mel arrived at 9:30am.  He never left my side.  I guess he's still trying to make up for clawing me.  Or he was just curious as hell as to why I was sitting on the other side of the door as opposed to driving off like I usually do.  Mel and I grabbed a quick breakfast at Java Jive and then I headed on in to Conference Room C. 

If you are my friend on facebook you will have already seen one of the pics below.

Just chillin' on the doormat . . .

Earl the Cat reaching out to offer moral support.  Darryl wonders if he wasn't
really just trying to swipe at me.  I said I was nearly 30% sure he was offering support.

I flipped my iPhone upside down to capture this pic of Earl the Cat
with his face plastered against the crack under the door.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Yeah, right.....

Behold my view from the floor as I did my exercises today.  For the first time in a long while (well, since he eviscerated my head with his claws during a previous workout) I actually allowed Earl the Cat to be in the living room and not locked in the bedroom while I did my exercises.  When he saw what I was doing, he jumped up to lounge in front of the TV and menorahs.  He NEVER sits up there!  Ever!  Even when I started my sit ups (which is when the last "incident" occurred), he continued to lounge.  He even looked aloof.  He averted his eyes.  He did not look directly at me.  His body language said to me "I don't give two hoots what you are doing down there on the floor."  "I can be trusted while you do exercises."  "I am not the least bit threatened by your strange exercise noises or your bright red face." "Oh, are you exercising?  I didn't even notice."  Yeah, right!

Don't worry folks, I didn't take my eyes off of him for one minute.  He remained on his perch the whole time I exercised, but I had the flip flop close at hand in the event he made any move to pounce.  I don't trust him as far as I can throw him - and he's a "substantial cat" (we don't use the word fat in our house anymore) so I can't throw him very far.

I know I haven't blogged in a long time, but I just haven't felt inspired to blog lately.  I almost felt inspired when Mom fell off the treadmill during "girls weekend" after accidentally pushing speed 4.  She was walking at a nice leisurely speed while the rest of us gals were watching TV.  All of a sudden we hear a winded voice say "Amy!"  We all look over and she's like double-timing it to keep up with the belt and looking distressed.  I said "push the down arrow to lower the speed," just as she disappears from our view.  We all jump up (well, maybe it was just Lisa who jumped up - she was closer) to make sure she was OK.  Once we made sure she was indeed OK, we could not stop laughing.  In fact, I am chuckling right now just thinking about it.  But for some reason, I didn't blog about it at the time.  I was almost inspired to blog when Diane and I went out to dinner at an Irish pub I just discovered down the street.  That night we had the worst service ever!!  We ordered Irish brown bread and they brought us crackers.  We ordered a meat and cheese plate and the cheese was moldy and the meat looked like bologna.  Diane ordered shrimp and coconut soup and there was no shrimp in it.  Boy were we batting 0 that night.  Then, Diane topped off a fine evening by breaking out in hives after dinner and having to go to the hospital for an IV.  But for some reason, I didn't blog about it at the time.  So, while I didn't feel inspired to blog about those crazy incidents at the time, I felt they deserved a mention in this blog.  Mom will probably kill me for blogging about her treadmill incident.  I'm sure she was hoping that would stay under wraps.  Diane is probably just happy that she didn't come home from the hospital that night with the flesh eating bacteria that is going around here in Georgia. 

Not much to update you on regarding the goings on in Conference Room C.  The gig seems to be coming to and end and the Ladies of the Conference Room are in agreement that we are about ready for it to end!!  I have promised to do paintings for Juniata and Jenny's daughters before the gig ends.  The one I did for Juniata is below.  I am still working on Jenny's.

Painting for Juniata.  I named it "Artie the Elephant"
The "meat" from our Meat and Cheese Plate (bleh!!)

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of Mom falling off the treadmill