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Wednesday, August 8, 2012
UPDATE: Adult Frowzies
This is pretty much my head 80 percent of the time. Just me and my frowzies. I think I will write a children's book about the frowzies. And yes, I am wearing a tube top dress. What?
Skirmishes with Frowzies -
Hey folks!!!! It's been over a month since I posted a blog. Not totally sure why - I guess the mood just hasn't moved me to write. I figured I best post something soon or else let the blog fall to the wayside for good. I guess the question is, why was I motivated to post today?? Well, Earl the Cat decided to smack me again. I got one fierce punch to the head this morning as I lay groggy in my bed waiting for the alarm to go off. Earl had already done his typical morning snuggle. He snuggles up on my pillow waiting to be petted and/or kissed. After he snuggled for a while I did notice that he was standing up by my pillow and that maybe he was looking at me funny. But I was laying passively in my bed, no exercise, no sudden movements on my part - no provocation of any sort. But I did notice him looking at me and maybe leaning back a little and that should have triggered some instinctual need on my part to move him away from my head before all hell broke loose, but I was not quite ready to move so I ignored the voice in the back of my mind telling me that his posture was no longer "morning snuggle posture." After he whacked me in the head and after I chased him around the house throwing pillows at him and making him run from one hiding place to the next until he hissed at me (I hissed back), I started to really ponder why he is doing this to me. I have decided that he is trying to protect me from the frowzies. You know what frowzies are don't you? In case you don't, frowzies are those baby fine hairs that form a halo around your head when your hair is mussed up or pulled back, or in my case, just always. I suffer from a severe case of frowzies most days, especially first thing in the morning. My theory is that my frowzies were swaying back and forth from the dual fans I have in my bedroom and Earl was trying to protect me from the frowzy monsters on top of my head. I think this because he never goes for the face. He always aims at my head - there is something on my head that provokes him. It can only be the frowzies, because I know that's where they live. Nobody else lives up there (to my knowledge anyway). So you see, he was not attacking me, he was protecting me. Those frowzies were mocking him, daring him to approach - he was hypnotized by their swaying heckle. He could not resist. He feared they would possess me or somehow take me from him. I can understand his concern. I have tried desperately to control the frowzies during my lifetime and it cannot be done. I think my mother gave up trying to control my frowzies as well and let them have their way with me as a child. They cannot be stopped. They cannot be tamed. They do as they wish, everyone else be damned. I will try to explain this to Earl later so that we can have a better living situation. I will explain that it would be wise not to engage in further skirmishes with the frowzies. One, because they live on my head and that's where my skin is and my eyes - I can only lose so much blood; Two, because skirmishes with the frowzies are hazardous to his health (and by health I mean life) - a life that hangs in the balance (and by balance I mean my Karate Kid crane pose as I punt him across the room with my foot) and finally, Three, because you can NOT win a battle against the frowzies. EVER.
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