Well, I spent my first night in Ireland and I can honestly say that 5 piping hot glasses of mulled wine is the only thing that could have helped me shake off the jetlag so quickly!!!! I have never had mulled wine, so when the host of the party I went to last night handed me a glass of, what appeared to be just wine, I almsost scremed out loud when I felt the hot wine touch my lip (no comments from the peanut gallery please). Pamela must have read the panic in my eyes 'cause she said "It's mulled wine - served hot." I don't need much of a learning curve so I was happy after that. It felt wonderful on my sore throat (yeah, I got a sore throat the night before I left - naturally). Five glasses later - after a 7.5 hour flight and 4 hour drive from Dublin(including a 5 hour time difference) - and I was starting to lose my steam. We headed home around midnight and I slept till almost 11am today.
Yesterday's drive from Dublin was fairly uneventful - took a couple of wrong turns and had to do some u-turn and such, but my GPS got me right back on track. In fact, I think I might actually be in love with my GPS. Didn't they do an episode on Boston Legal a few years back where the guy with Aspergers Syndrome was in love with his electronics - literally in love? Well, that's exactly how I feel about my GPS. I feel a total sense of comfort and freedom with him at my side. And love. I hope he never leaves me. He completes me.
So, I am spending the first three nights with my friends Pamela and Dennis Marshall and then I am spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my friend Trace Irwine. Trace called me and asked me if I like cream or custard with my Christmas Pudding. "Well, I said, I've never had Christmas Pudding before, so I can't really say." So, one thing for sure I know is that I will be having some Christmas Pudding with either cream or custard. I got a look at a Christmas Pudding in the grocery store and I'm not sure it's going to be something I like, but I'm willing to give it a go!!! I think it's like fruit cake - with lots of rum or brandy in it. Bleh. Open mind.
Stacey - you will be happy to know that my bed in the Marshall household is flanked by Jesuses. I feel very "watched over" so to say - I think he's reserving judgment on what to think of me though, but so far we are getting along just fine for now.
Anyway, I am off for a nap! More later.
That's not my plane - Just an Aer Lingus plane -
But I love them 'cause they have a shamrock!! |
Painting I did for Carol of The Coffee Shop hanging on the wall!! |
My tasty lunch today |
My Roommate x2 |