Hey friends (sorry, don’t mean to sound like Nancy Grace), it’s me again. I’m not long home from Ireland (just over a month). My goal in going to Ireland was to work on mind, body and spirit, and well, yeah, to just get the heck out of dodge for a while. After reflecting on my time in Ireland, I believe I did all of those things. I made new friends, had new experiences and I was very active (both socially and physically). Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear as though ALL of my “new self” made the trip with me back to the States. I am no longer walking (in all honesty it is hotter than the fiery pits of hell outside, but still) and I am deadly certain that any weight I lost in Ireland has found its way back to me. So, I took a walk in the blazing heat today and had a fabulous idea.
I decided that I would blog my way to fitness. I realized that I was often motivated to do fun and exciting things while in Ireland because I knew folks were following along. It truly did motivate me to get my arse out there and live!!! So, I thought maybe blogging would motivate me to become more active here as well. I thought if my friends and family are following my blog I might be motivated to think of new and exciting things to do to get my body moving and start living a healthier life. I might join my friend Tamera at one of her Polelateaz classes (yes, that’s exercising on the stripper pole – sounds like fun, huh?). I might go with my friend Diane to a salsa class (even with my two left feet). I might join a walking or jogging club. Who knows! The possibilities are endless. And I might even be open to a suggestion or a challenge or two (*might*). I won’t, however, do boot camp. I did that once, was the fat kid in the back who came in last while everyone else stood at the finish line cheering me on (I hate that!!!) and broke out into an allover body rash because of the fertilizer used in the park (we did a lot of rolling around on the grass).
Now, this concept might not sound as exciting to many of you as following the Ireland blog, and you are probably right, but I promise to make it as fun as possible. A couple of things I learned from my friends in Ireland are (a) when you need help ask for it and (b) even if you are more comfortable with giving than receiving, get out of your own way and accept help from others. So, I have decided that it would help me if y’all followed along. Maybe this will help you be more active too. Maybe you are already active and you can motivate the rest of us. Who knows. I will be making this up as I go along, but I do know that having you following along will be essential to my success.
Along the way I will be looking for a job, devising my plans for the future and turning 40. All of those tidbits will make it into the blog as well, so you won’t be reading a blog just about me bitching about having to walk for 15 minutes in the blazing heat or my desperate moments of stuffing my face with a bag of powdered donuts. I haven’t decided whether it will be a daily, weekly or monthly blog. It’s all still in the works. The blog can be for you too if you are struggling to live a more active life – post your comments – feel free to bitch, motivate, ask for motivation, whatever. Also, feel free to share this with someone else who could use the motivation or would be a good motivator. We can make it a fitness blogging free-for-all. I can’t promise I will succeed with this and I might get tired of it before long, but I’m going to give it a shot and I hope you will follow me!!!!!
[FYI - You can subscribe by email using the "Follow by Email" link to the right of this post and that will send you an email when I post, but still make sure you sign up as a "Follower" so that I know folks are following - that is what's going to motivate me - seeing all my followers and knowing I can't disappoint!!!]
[FYI - You can subscribe by email using the "Follow by Email" link to the right of this post and that will send you an email when I post, but still make sure you sign up as a "Follower" so that I know folks are following - that is what's going to motivate me - seeing all my followers and knowing I can't disappoint!!!]
Congrats to you! I'm proud to say I'm posting from my new dining room in my new casa :) I've slept soundly the past 2 nights, wahoo! I can add you to a fitness group on facebook that a bunch of my girlfriends from new hampshire participate in. I will say that they post almost daily when they've done their workouts (which can get really annoying to me who likes to find anything I can do to get out of working out as well as not posting what I haven't done) Sorry for the pessimism. I will say they do share yummy healthy recipes and other healthy tidbits of advice every now and then. Good luck with this newest adventure :) Love ya lots!
ReplyDelete@Sarah: Yay! Glad you are all settled in. Can't wait to see it. Definitely add mine to the facebook. I am thinking more of weekly blogs - just to give myself time to do something and then when work starts it will be harder to keep up, but I will try to keep it consistent. Hell, it might be more often or less often depending on my mood. Only time will tell. Ciao.