Well, I am mid-way through my second week of contract work. I went balls to the wall last week and worked 10 hours Tuesday, 11 hours Wednesday, 9 hours Thursday and 10 hours Friday (Monday was Labor Day – no working that day). I share this gig with three other contract workers, Clare, Juniata and Tanya. Both Juniata and Tanya are sole practitioners and they use contract work to supplement their practices when they are not busy and Clare, I think, had her own firm for a while and is now looking for another job – but in the meantime she is doing contract work. All of my fellow contractors are very nice and lots of fun. Tanya, in particular, is a wealth of knowledge. She has spent some time dealing with homeowner association issues (representing the association, not the homeowners – boo!) and I have been seeking her advice on how to deal with the water damage in my condo caused by my building’s crap-heap of a roof. Anyway, as we sift through the foreclosure documents (that’s what we are doing – reviewing bank foreclosure documents) we chat and get to know each other. Clare talks about her Match.com dates (which are typically comical) and Juniata and Tanya talk about their kids and their crazy clients. It is absolutely stress free. I don’t go home at night worrying about what I did or didn’t do that day. I don’t have to check a blackberry 500 times a day. I am obligated to work 40 hours a week, but I can work those hours however I want. I can come in early and leave early or I can sleep in and stay a little bit later. For now, it’s exactly what I need. The one drawback is that I sit on my arse all day long (which is no different from before). I would love to find a job that causes me to move around a bit more. I am just so over sitting in front of a computer all day long. It is a crazy lifestyle to sit all day in front of a computer and then go home and sit some more because you are so tired from all the sitting you did that day. It sounds crazy, but it’s true.
I got my Id badge this week and it is quite hilarious. It doesn’t just have my name on it or the name of the building I am in or even the name of the company I am contracting with – it says in huge conspicuous letters “CONTRACTOR” – it’s like it is screaming out loud “I AM NOT ONE OF YOU – I WON’T BE HERE LONG - YOU MUST TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY.” The hierarchy in the “Corporate World” is very clear – you know exactly where you fit in at any given moment. Many of those at the top of the hierarchy don’t speak to, interact with or look at those at the lower levels of the hierarchy (unless they are giving orders). It has always been one of the things I disliked about the “Corporate World.” I always prided myself in going out of my way to treat everyone the same – no matter where they fell in the hierarchy – unless they were just stupid (hopefully no one will disagree with me on this). It is quite interesting being a contractor – because – even though I am fulfilling the role of an attorney, I am clearly sitting “below the salt” in the eyes of upper ranks – and pretty much anyone permanently working at the company is in the upper ranks. So naturally, I sing in the halls, as is my way, and talk to everyone I meet in the hall, the bathroom the break room, etc. I force everyone to notice and acknowledge me. It makes me chuckle just a bit and I make a little game out of it. What it doesn’t do - is bother me. I know who I am, what my experience is, and what I have to offer. What I don’t know – is what I want to do next. So, for now, I enjoy going into windowless “Conference Room C” each morning to join my fellow contractors. For now.
The fitness front has been pretty much a bust this past week. I was way too tired last week just getting used to waking up early and going back to work every day. That might sound like a lame excuse to you, but structure is tiring!!!! I didn’t walk on Mr. T until Friday night. On Saturday Lisa and I went to Mel’s sister Amanda’s wedding and I did “drop it like it’s hot” for at least an hour (for those of you who don’t know – “dropping it like it’s hot” is d-a-n-c-i-n-g). Per the usual, I did Hulk out and turn into the sweat monster, but it was loads of fun and the music was great. My fellow contractors and I bring our lunch every day. I have been packing pretty healthy lunches – hummus / crackers / grapes / cottage cheese, etc. So, at least I am not sitting for 10 hours AND eating at the food court (well, maybe the one day when we got sweet potato fries). What’s on the horizon, you say? Glad you asked. Deborah (fitness guru) and I have signed up for belly dancing lessons!! We will be meeting at Nazeem Allayl Belly Dance Studio in Little 5 Points every Tuesday (starting next Tuesday) for five weeks. We are taking beginner choreography. It promises to be quite comical. I pray that I don’t actually have to bare my belly. I also refuse to buy the belly dancing costume, but will get the bells that jingle at my waist. I like jingling bells. They will fit in quite nicely with my jingling belly. Check out the site if you want: atlantabellydance.com.