I’m calling this week a fitness success! I did indeed unfold Mr. T and reintroduce him to the common areas AND I walked on Mr. T once for 30 minutes while I read on my iPhone. In lieu of my second 30-minute walk on Mr. T, Deborah (aka fitness guru) and I went on a walk along the Chattahoochee River on Wednesday with her two dogs Guinness and Half Pint. The dogs were much more excited about the prospect of exercise than I was. After Guinness took a brief swim in the river (which actually scared me because I saw him struggling to swim back to us up-river and thought I might have to jump in and save him, but he expertly maneuvered himself back to shore) we followed a trail along the river that took us about two or three miles full circle (Deborah will have to agree or disagree with my mileage representation, but we had us a decent walk – if I am too far off the mark I would rather her just keep silent – it might take too much wind out of my sails). My legs and lungs appreciated the walking, as I was quite used to walking at least a couple of miles a day in Ireland. Unfortunately, however, here in ole Atlanta it was hot as balls outside causing sweat to once again run down my face and sting my eyes. Another unfortunate side effect (for me, at least) of walking in this heat (or simply a side effect of being overweight and nearly 40) is that my face turns as red as a beet. It may look, from an outsider’s perspective, like I am about to keel over and die, but I don’t feel like I am necessarily overdoing it – I guess it’s just my “exercise face” these days. It’s like I turn into the hulk but instead of green, I’m bright red. I should get a tee shirt that says “don’t make me sweaty, you won’t like me when I’m sweaty.” I hulk out when I drinking red wine as well (but to a slightly lesser extent). Go figure. Deborah however looked as cool as a cucumber while she walked beside me. She assured me that she was sweating somewhere under her shirt, but I saw no evidence of it. Then again, she did just walk 2000 miles – during which time she was slathered in 100% deet bug spray and using a wet wipe at the end of the day to “cleanse” herself of the day’s grime. I think her body has likely re-evaluated its levels of distress. Here are a couple of pictures. One of Mr. T proudly placed in his new location, one of me and Mr. T (and don’t let the smooth taste fool you – my smile and non –hulked out face indicate that I was not actually exercising when I took that photo), one of Guinness swimming back to shore and one of Deborah and me at the beginning of our walk (also evidenced by the non-hulked out face). We had fun catching up after our respective summer adventures.
Mr. T |
Mr. T. and Me (reunited and it feels so ..... eh) |
Guinness in the river |
Deborah and Me
(pre-walk) |
I have also steered clear of all soda this week and it was much tougher than I thought it would be, particularly today when my sister and I met at a fabulous pizza place in Atlanta. You just NEED soda with pizza (or beer, but I wasn't in the mood for beer). When I was at the counter ordering there was a long hesitation before I ordered my beverage, but in the end I remained strong and ordered water. I think I will end the soda fast today and enjoy a little diet beverage over the weekend. I’m not much for dieting or depriving myself over the weekend. Weekends are meant to be enjoyed!!!
On the job front, I landed my first contract gig – it is an actual substantive real estate placement, so I am excited to get started. This gig should last at least a couple of months if not longer and I can work as many hours as I want while the project lasts. I plan to work at least 50 hours a week (if I can swing it) so that I build up the savings in case there is a lag between this gig and the next. I am pleased with the contract process so far. I signed up with Counsel on Call a couple of weeks ago and I already have an excellent gig. I hope to meet some interesting people along the way!!
Have a great holiday weekend!!!
Girl, that is a 5K loop! That means you did three POINT ONE miles!!
ReplyDeleteG and HP slept like babies the rest of the day :-)
@Deborah (Pickle)- Rock on!!!!! I'm a fitness maniac!!!