Remember when I started this blog and it was partly about fitness (well, sort of). Well, thanks to Lawrence, I actually did some fitness this weekend!! Back a month or so ago I got a text from Lawrence that said "I got us a Groupon to do a beginners rock climbing class." With frown firmly in place I responded "and by 'US' you mean???????? "You and me" - he said. I couldn't even imagine why he would do such a thing. I had half a mind to email back and say "Great!! What a coincidence, I got us a Groupon for a beginners pole dancing class." Actually, I still might do that, so watch out Lawrence. Anyway, I put off the inevitable climbing event until I was sure the Groupon had expired. Knowing my friend like I do, I should have known that Lawrence would be the last person on earth to let a coupon to expire. So Sunday I didn't have anywhere to run and we went rock climbing!! I did a climbing wall about 20 years ago with Olivia and I remembered it kicking my ass so I was going in with very low expectations for myself. But I was going to do it. I wasn't backing out. Given my hissyfit the night before, I think Lawrence was worried that I was going to back out. I did WAY better than I thought I would do. I completed 3 full walls and my arms didn't give out until almost the top of the 4th wall. We had a great group of beginners sharing the experience with us. Everyone was very nice and supportive. And even though I am sore as all get out, I enjoyed the experience and am glad I did it!!! Don't know if I will do it again anytime soon. . . . . . . . but it was fun. Here are a few pics.
Before the class (when I could still use my arm to take the photo) |
So much confidence!!! He can't wait to get inside. |
Getting some cold feet! |
Go Lawrence, Go!!! |
Not a very flattering shot of the ole body, but hey - that's my body
and I climbed that damn wall so I am including the shot!! Sometimes you just
have to embrace who you are. It ain't always an easy thing to do.
Normally I would have just included the shot of Lawrence's skinny
arse climbing up the wall.
I am Gone With the Wind Fabulous baby (that won't
make sense to you unless you watch the Atlanta Housewives). |
Glad to hear you didn't shart your harness :) Looks like a blast!