So, as usual, I celebrated my birthday for several weeks. I mean, doesn't everyone? As you know from a previous blog (and No you won't be tested), my birthday festivities actually started a week or so before my birthday with a cabin weekend with Lawrence and Rick. Then on the actual day of my birth (41 years later), I had caramel cake at work in our windowless interior office (thanks Juniata!) and then dinner (and more cake) with Gerry and Mel later that evening. The following weekend I traveled home to Asheville to celebrate some more and to attend Mom's miniature show at the folk art gallery. Mom surprised me with a wonderful painting of Union Hall, Ireland. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it so much. And finally, this past weekend I traveled to Chicago to visit Darryl (whose birthday was in January) and we celebrated both of our birthdays with cupcakes (I will NOT disclose how many we ate). Benji was out of town until Sunday. We also did a really cool activity at the Art Institute of Chicago. Darryl texted me before I arrived in Chicago and told me he had a great activity for us to do - and that it involved nudity. Ooookkaaayy, that sounds fabulous. I knew it would not involve OUR nudity because neither me nor Darryl enjoys letting it all hang out for everyone to see. He kept the activity a secret until I arrived. I had all kinds of guesses ready - some crazy naked rollerskating strip club (my Mom helped with that guess), sumo wrestling (not us obviously), a massage, a Korean spa . . . . I could not have been further from the truth!! The naked activity was a group scavenger hunt at the Art Institute of Chicago. The questions mostly related (in some way or another) to the various paintings and sculptures featuring nudity!! Except for our first questions which related to a painting about chickens ........I can't quite figure out the connection there. We did not win first place but we had a blast!! It was great exercise and a great way to enjoy the art museum (although Darryl would yell at me if I tried to admire a painting that was not on our hunt - so competitive!!). So, My birthday celebrations are now over. I am official 41 and am no longer celebrating . . . . for obvious reasons.
Also, I know I have cried wolf many times regarding the "imminent completion" of my current gig, but it has finally happened. We were told yesterday that this is our last week. The Ladies of the Conference Room are being disbanded. It was a great gig and I made some life-long friends. I am even going to do some residential closings with Juniata!! I don't know how soon another gig will come along, but I have high hopes that something exciting is right around the corner. I will keep you posted - as usual.
My wonderful painting of Union Hall, Ireland
Thanks Mom!!! Best. Birthday. Present. Ever! |
Panoramic from Darryl/Benji's balcony. First thing in the morning. |
Birthday dinner with Darryl!! |
Birthday cake and cupcakes. We also had a to-go box
of cupcakes . . . . and that's all I'll say about that... |
I had to borrow Benji's puffy coat. It was COLD outside!!!
I loved it! |
Where our naked activity went down !! |
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