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Happy New Year!!! |
2011 - I am GRATEFUL. . . .
1. for absolutely fabulous family and friends during my “decision making phase” prior to resigning from big law in March - who supported me and encouraged me to have faith in myself and to stop at nothing in my pursuit for happiness and peace – thanks everyone!
2. that I actually had the guts to recognize that while on paper my big law career looked ideal, it was standing in the way of my happiness AND that I actually did something about it rather just keep complaining! Yay me!!
3. for three AMAZING months in Union Hall, County Cork, Ireland – the time was too short, but I can go visit my new friends whenever I want (friends who I am also very very grateful for).
4. that Earl the cat enjoyed summering in Asheville, NC while I was in Ireland and that my parents were happy to have him while he was there (well, mostly). Thanks Mom & Dad!
5. for having a friend (i.e. Deborah – trail name “Pickle”) who was also leaving her law job to go on a life adventure of her own to hike the Appalachian Trail – Being able to read her blog and share in her excitement was amazing and it was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone in my spontaneity – It looks less crazy if other people are also doing it – thanks for being my leave-your-job-and-go-on-an-amazing-adventure friend Pickle!
6. that my 90 year old Grandmother is now in a safe retirement home, where she is loved and cared for every day – and while a retirement home is never where you hope to end up, it is sometimes the best or only option – I am grateful that there is a place named Madison Manor with its wonderful staff and facilities!
7. for discovering blogging! – both in Ireland and now – I can’t tell you how much I enjoy it and how it motivates me to do new and exciting things – or to just be creative as I try to relay a funny story – I am grateful both for the joy of doing it and that there are folks who actually enjoy reading the blog(s).
8. for “Conference Room C” and the “Ladies of the Conference Room” – It has been so fun getting to know them and having this time to make a decent paycheck while not having to stress about my job every waking minute of the day and night.
Things I am looking forward to in 2012:
1. Becoming 40 – ah hell, I just have to embrace it!!!!!
2. Continuing education classes with Mel at Emory and Callanwolde Fine Arts Center – first up, Living the Life You Love, starting February 7th – up next, maybe a dance class, a cooking class, a photography class – who knows – wait and see!!
3. More adventures in contract land – which will undoubtedly produce more exciting blog posts.
4. Moving beyond contract land, if that’s what I choose, to follow a new path, whether that be looking more into having a folkart shop / coffee shop of my own or otherwise . . . wait and see!!
5. Getting my new tattoo – some more of my Mom’s artwork – it is my 40th Birthday present to myself!!! What will it look like??? Wait and see!!
6. Possibly selling my condo and finding a cute and cozy apartment to rent for a while – the goal being to continue to reduce my spending.
7. Success with our Eating to Live program (new motto Eat to Live or Die Trying) – Developing new healthy habits and taking some weight off!!
That’s just a taste of what’s to come in 2012. I suspect more and more will happen (some good, some bad). Can’t wait to see!!!!
Mel, Stacey and I have completed our first week of vegan / healthy living. I had a series of “last chance meals” in the days before crossing over into the land of healthy living – I ate loads and loads of tasty bits from Taquera del Sol, Figo, Java Jive, La Fonda (all of my favorite restaurants) – and topped it all off with some Krispy Kreme!!! Saturday morning (Dec. 31st) I actually went first through the Krispy Kreme drive-thru for 2 hot glazed donuts and then went to Burger King drive-thru for an egg and cheese croissant. I said to the drive-thru lady “Don’t be alarmed, but I have already been to the Krispy Kreme drive-thru, but tomorrow marks a new year!” She chuckled a bit and then said to me, in a very serious voice “OK, you’re right, it’s the end of the year, so you can do that, but come Monday we’re gonna have a problem.” Ah, getting called out by the Burger King lady – a new low point for me. But never fear!!! A week gone and we are successfully living the vegan life. We take time each day to send pictures of our meals or to just ask for support from each other – or complain that if we eat another raw vegetable we may die. As I sit here typing this blog I sent a message out to my fellow dieters that I was joansing for a snack. Stacey actually suggested brussel sprouts. I think it is safe to say that no matter how serous I get about this diet – no matter how many good habits I create (and I hope there are many) I will never, I repeat never, view brussel sprouts as a snack. Anyway, I joke, but it has been great having Mel and Stacey a text or call away. Knowing that we are in this together makes it much more bearable! Mel and I got together last Monday and cooked up a whole mess of vegan delights which we ate throughout the week. The Ladies of the Conference are also being very supportive and even forwent ordering pizza on Friday because they knew it would have been torture for me to have pizza in the room. One negative side effect of eating all this roughage . . . . . .well, I’m sure you can figure it out. Needleless to say, it’s been a bit windy in Atlanta and St. Louis lately.
The News from "Conference Room C":
· Our new administrative assistant friend visited again on Friday (we still haven’t had the heart to tell her we are lawyers) and informed us that she was planning on riding her mare this weekend if her arthritis isn’t acting up. She said the mare is the sweetest horse to ride, but lately she has been a bit unpredictable. You see, typically when her mare is “in season” she usually gives the studs in the yard a good growl and mean look to scare them off (I guess she has had a headache most times), but this last time she turned into a “total huzzie” according to the AA and was prancing all around trying to get noticed, and when they went to put the stud away the mare reared up and nearly knocked the AA off her back. She said she’s too old to get thrown off a horse. I tend to agree with that.
· Juniata continues to have exciting encounters on the MARTA train on her way to work in the morning. Apparently there is a young entrepreneur who sells bootleg movies to the passengers several days a week. He has the movies with him and a DVD player on hand to prove good quality. He comes walking down the aisles displaying the movies while chanting “Holla at your boy. Holla at your B-O-Y (this he spells out).” She is going to try and record him saying this so we can hear it. It makes us chuckle. We use every opportunity to use the phrase in Conference Room C nowadays. If someone wants the hand sanitizer passed their way, or a tissue passed over, whenever – We just say “Holla at your boy. Holler at your B-O-Y.” It’s a very versatile phrase. We are working our way up to answering the phone with this phrase when independent counsel calls us.
· The ice machine is broken at work. I have started bringing my own ice in my big Bubba Keg insulated mug. If you know me well – you know I must have ice. I thought it was fixed the other day so I left my mug at work only to find that it had still not been fixed. I ended up having to use the ice in the freezer, which had likely been in there since 1999 because it tasted like everything that had ever been in the refrigerator and freezer – and gone bad. I suffered through it because nasty freezer burnt old food tasting ice is better than no ice - at least in my world. It tainted my whole day though. I will not forget to bring ice on Monday.
I went for an hour and a half walk in Grant Park Saturday while Lawrence ran ten miles. We went fairly early – round 10:00am. It was a much better time to walk in the park – folk were all out and about walking and running, the weather was pushing 70 degrees, everyone was smiling and saying hello as they passed (reminded me of Ireland a bit). They were having Christmas Tree Mulching day in the park so everyone was bringing in their tree – some on the top of their car, some dragging them from their houses close by or pulling them in red wagons. The whole area smelled like Christmas Trees. It was quite lovely.
This was a lengthy catch up – hope I didn’t lose anyone. Have a great week and I’ll chat with you later. Holla at your boy. Holla at your B-O-Y!
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Me at Whole Foods becoming one with the fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't I look excited!!!! Mmmmmhmmm. |
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Vegetable / Pasta Free Lasagna Mel and I made |
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Black Eyed Pea & Greens Soup Diane tried to take my "sista" card away for mixing up my greens and peas, but now that she knows it was really tasty she has withdrawn the threat |
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Bean Enchiladas Mel and I made! Yummy Yummy Yummy!! |
Great post! Here is a short list from me:
ReplyDelete2011 Gratefulness
1 - Hiking the AT... seriously, an adventure worthy of a bucket list. I can't remember all the deals I've done, but I remember all of this accomplishment.
2 - Having an awesome husband who lives the motto "if you love someone, set them free." I don't know a whole lot of guys who would've been so completely supportive of the idea of their wife leaving them for half a year.
3 - Having the support of a few great friends as I make a huge change in my life (one not particularly supported by society at large). Amy, I got your back, and it makes me feel strong to know you've got mine :-).
2012 Anticipations
1 - Heck yeah, I turn 40 a week after you! I'm proud to be doing it on my terms.
2 - Finishing my book. I've wanted to write one for years, and the truth is the AT makes it easy. Those stories practically write themselves.
3 - Exploring the world without the world's lenses. Just my own sense of what's worthwhile.
If you are looking for good snack ideas, here are a few of my favorites:
- a banana with milk (you can drink soy)
- a bowl of healthy cereal with some honey (I love Uncle Sam - the complete ingredient list is wheat, flaxseed, barley and a touch of salt)
- apple with some peanut or almond butter
- raw almonds... they are sweet so you feel like you got a bit of a treat!
See you soon!!
Thanks so much for sharing your list with us!!!!! Very well said!! You're right - we get to design our future based on what we find worthwhile!! 2012 is going fabulous. Oh, I forgot to add to my list of "looking forward tos" our ya-ya sisterhood hiking weekend!!! Can't wait. Thanks for the snack ideas. I NEED them.
ReplyDeleteHOLLA AT YA G-U-R-L..... you are supposed to end EVERY grateful with "even Sarah" I'll let it slide this time. I have a vegan classmate who raves about her avocado pudding...shall I fetch the recipe?
ReplyDelete@Sarah - It's funny you say that - but I almost DID put "even Sarah" at the end of the thanks friends and family grateful!!! It definitely crossed my mind. HECK YEAH YOU SHOULD FETCH THAT RECIPE HOOKA!!!!! Pleae please please!!!!!!