OK ok ok, it’s been a few days since my last blog. I have been busy (well, maybe “busy” is a strong word, “otherwise occupied” might be a better description). I have a lot of things I really want to blog about, but I am too pooped to pen so I am going to touch on some of the highlights of the past couple weeks and then come back for more over the weekend. Here goes:
EATING TO LIVE: Well, this past weekend I visited Stacey in St. Louis (or “the Lou”) (yes , fellow dieter Stacey) and instead of eating to live we lived for eating!!!! I WAS ON VACATION – sue me!!! We didn’t go totally hog wild, we just went off diet for a few days. The first night we went “off diet” we went to a lovely wine bar called Robust and had a cheese plate and a flight of wine each. The cheese plate came with little crispy buttery bread pieces and you would think they just placed a bucket of slop in front of a pig. We were in hog heaven. The sounds coming from our table as we bit into those buttery bits could have been considered obscene. I think the people sitting next to us asked for a different table (just kidding). Anyway, we were really celebrating my 40th which is coming right up so everyone knows that you can eat whatever you want during your birthday celebrations!!! We took full advantage of that rule.
FITNESS: The only fitness I have done since the past blog is a bit of mall walking with Stacey in St. Louis. We were obviously feeling guilty since we were eating unauthorized meat and cheese (to say nothing of the cupcakes) so we decided to go burn a few calories in one of the formerly trendy now turned artsy and mall-walky malls in her neighborhood. We can promise you that we walked faster than the dude with the walker!!! I still have my Groupon for 5 “Spoga” (20 min. cycling and 20 yoga) classes burning a hole in my pocket. So far I am 0 and 5 (that was a sports reference and I don’t really do sports so hopefully what I just conveyed is that I have a total of 5 classes at my disposal – none of which I have attended).
TRIAL: Remember that trial I was dreading back in November (well, further back than that really, but as far as this blog is concerned I started bitching about it back in November). Well it kept getting postponed and as I often do, I worked myself up into a tither about this stupid trial – picturing all the horrible questions they could ask me about the foreclosure I conducted two years ago to make me look like a fool. Well, it finally happened last week. My lawyer went with me (junior lawyer from my former firm). I entered the tiny courthouse in Forsyth county and marched myself through the metal detector. It beeped. I said, “it’s probably the shoes, women’s shoes often have metal in them.” The gomer pyle looking police officer said “Yeah, maybe take them off and put them through the scanner.” So I did as he asked and then I walked back through the metal detector. It beeped. I said “I think more ‘intimate things’ are involved.” I was hoping he didn’t think I meant piercings, but it was too late to say it any other way. He just giggled a bit (it sounded something like uhhu uhhu) and said “underwire” - to which I responded “yep” glad that he went where I had intended to take him. They swung the hand held scanner over me and sent me and my underwire on our way. I had to wait about 2 hours to testify, but when I finally got on the stand I was off again in 10 minutes. Thankfully it was all much ado about nothing really. Happy to have that behind me.
ICE MACHINE AT WORK: Today Clare spotted a worker-man fixing the ice machine at work. Holy halleluiah PRAISE GAWD!! I live in the USA people!! I should have round-the-clock access to ice. I’m sure it says that in the Constitution somewhere.
VISITOR FROM IRELAND: My friend Carol Noonan from Skibbereen, County Cork, Ireland who runs “The Coffee Shop” in Union Hall has been in Atlanta for the past week visiting her brother. I drove out to her brother’s house this evening and scooped up Carol and her Mum for dinner. We had a very tasty dinner at Two Urban Licks (off diet obviously – I am as full as a tick!!). Her mother ordered “The Big Ass Burger” on the menu, but when she ordered it she simply said “I’ll have the burger.” I said “Oh no Mom, that’s not what it’s called” and she said “Sorry, I’ll have the Big Ass Burger.” She ate every last morsel of that Big Ass Burger!! It made my night. Carol made me a knitted necklace for my birthday!!! It is adorable. She asked me how I was coming along with the scarf I started knitting in Union Hall. I haven’t touched it since returning. I learned to knit in Union Hall and all of my friends there did a bit of the scarf while I was working on it. I am totally shamed by the fact that I haven’t finished it!!! There is simply no excuse. I should add “finishing my scarf” to the list of things I look forward to in 2012. All my friends are responsible for holding me accountable. I simply cannot let that scarf sit unfinished.
This was a short – not very witty blog, but I didn’t want to abandon the blog for too long. I’ll write more later!! 2012 is a great year so far!! I know it’s just going to get better and better.
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Carol and her Mum |
Ciao for now
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Me and Carol |
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Knitted necklace made by Carol |
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St. Louis Crew |
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Birthday Cupcakes in St. Lou |
Happy Birthday!! I am so relieved God got you ice as a present :-)
ReplyDeleteYay Ice!!! The ice machine was full to the top today!!! Also, I will be celebrating my B-day for the next 3 weeks at least!! The actual day isn't until February 1st, but 40 is something you have to creep up on I guess!! Having fun working my way up to the actual day. I also just realized that I said "Holly halleluiah" rather than "holy halleluiah" (shocked Diane or Olivia for that matter hasn't pointed that out to me yet) - my typos really crack me up sometimes. Well, I have corrected it. Usually I like to let the typos go, but when it jumps out at me so loud I simply can't let it go.