Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas in Cork

I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Christmas!!!!
Last Saturday was a lazy day in West Cork.  I hung out at the Coffee Shop with Carol and had a delightful lunch of veggie quiche and tomato bisque.  Yum yum yum.  I also took a quick walk down to the harbor and enjoyed the weather while it wasn’t raining.  The weather has actually been quite mild – some clear (even sunny) weather each day before the rain sets in.  Sunday evening we cooked Union Hall cod and veggies at home before heading over to O’Donovan’s Hotel in Clonakilty to see a wonderful West Cork all-female band called Ré Nua (which means “New Age” in Irish).  Check out their website if you have a sec: -  they play a blend of Irish, country, folk music with a touch of classical. They are really very good and one of the singers actually directs the Clonakilty choir Pam is a member of called “Allegria.”  At the end of the Ré Nua performance, Allegria went up on stage and sang two Christmas songs with them.  The whole evening was delightful – and involved lots of wine (yum!!!) and mince pies (bleh!!!).  That’s funny because every Thanksgiving and Chrismukkah Mom makes Dad his mince pies and no one else will tough them (well, except Bob).  Here, mince pie is the official Christmas pie.  They are everywhere!
Monday night I headed to my friend Trace’s out in Rosscarbery.  I made it all the way there by myself in the dark (with no wrong turns!!) in my little marshmallow of a rental car.  I didn’t even use my GPS!!!  Just directions Dennis gave me.  Those of you who know me know that’s pretty amazing!!  Anyway, her friend Gillian was having man trouble so the three of us spent Christmas Eve and Christmas together, drinking wine, eating Union Hall smoked salmon and cheese/honey.  We even roasted chestnuts on an open fire!!  Trace is an artist as well (in fact you can’t shake a stick in West Cork without hitting an artist) and made me a lovely painted canvas for Christmas.  She also gave me an adorable tea cup with a poppy on it!!!!  Everyone knows how much I love the poppies.  All the gals loved the painted ornaments I made for them as well (a knock off of Mom’s design – of course).  For Christmas dinner we went over to Trace’s friend’s Irish cottage and had roasted spuds, brussel sprouts, and my contribution…… kugel (Jewish dish), which everyone loved!!!!!  They also had turkey and duck, but obviously I didn’t eat any of that.  Afterwards we had Christmas Pudding with custard and cream!!!!  I didn’t mind the Christmas Pudding – it was kind of spicy fruity cake made with brandy or rum.  It’s hasn’t become my favorite new dessert or anything, but it was pretty tasty.  The day after Christmas – St. Stephen’s Day/Boxing Day – we went to another friend’s house – one of the local organic farmers – in another wonderful old Irish cottage – and had more wine and more food.  By this point I guess you are sensing a theme. . eat . . drink. . .eat .
I have had high hopes of walking all over the place – getting some good exercise, but it’s really just been a lazy holiday so far.  Mostly we’ve just been sitting around gabbing and catching up.  It has been wonderful!!!!  I have posted a few pictures below. 
Mince tarts!!!  Dad's mouth is watering.

Pam and Me at her gig

Pam and Dennis

Pam, Dennis and Me
Re Nua

Re Nua and Allegria in the background

Great little craft co-op - I bought a lovely ornament here

Trace's house - decorated for Christmas

Union Hall smoked salmon

My rental car marshmallow

Christmas day at Trace's - gorgeous weather!!!

Dinner in a proper Irish cottage!!

Christmas Pudding

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Amy O'Sullivan has landed!!!

Well, I spent my first night in Ireland and I can honestly say that 5 piping hot glasses of mulled wine is the only thing that could have helped me shake off the jetlag so quickly!!!!  I have never had mulled wine, so when the host of the party I went to last night handed me a glass of, what appeared to be just wine, I almsost scremed out loud when I felt the hot wine touch my lip (no comments from the peanut gallery please).  Pamela must have read the panic in my eyes 'cause she said "It's mulled wine - served hot."  I don't need much of a learning curve so I was happy after that.  It felt wonderful on my sore throat (yeah, I got a sore throat the night before I left - naturally).  Five glasses later - after a 7.5 hour flight and 4 hour drive from Dublin(including a 5 hour time difference) - and I was starting to lose my steam.  We headed home around midnight and I slept till almost 11am today.

Yesterday's drive from Dublin was fairly uneventful - took a couple of wrong turns and had to do some u-turn and such, but my GPS got me right back on track.  In fact, I think I might actually be in love with my GPS.  Didn't they do an episode on Boston Legal a few years back where the guy with Aspergers Syndrome was in love with his electronics - literally in love?  Well, that's exactly how I feel about my GPS.  I feel a total sense of comfort and freedom with him at my side.  And love.  I hope he never leaves me.  He completes me.

So, I am spending the first three nights with my friends Pamela and Dennis Marshall and then I am spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my friend Trace Irwine.  Trace called me and asked me if I like cream or custard with my Christmas Pudding.  "Well, I said, I've never had Christmas Pudding before, so I can't really say."  So, one thing for sure I know is that I will be having some Christmas Pudding with either cream or custard.   I got a look at a Christmas Pudding in the grocery store and I'm not sure it's going to be something I like, but I'm willing to give it a go!!!  I think it's like fruit cake - with lots of rum or brandy in it.  Bleh.  Open mind. 

Stacey - you will be happy to know that my bed in the Marshall household is flanked by Jesuses.  I feel very "watched over" so to say - I think he's reserving judgment on what to think of me though, but so far we are getting along just fine for now. 

Anyway, I am off for a nap!  More later.

That's not my plane - Just an Aer Lingus plane -
But I love them 'cause they have a shamrock!!

Painting I did for Carol of The Coffee Shop hanging on the wall!!

My tasty lunch today

My Roommate x2

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chrismukkah in Ireland!!!!!

Hey y'all - this isn't a real post, just a promise of exciting posts to come!!  As you know (I think you know), I am heading to Ireland for Chrismukkah!!!!  This will be my first Chrismukkah ever away from my family, and while I will miss seeing Maya and Micah open their gifts and the tasty Sullivan/Philipp dinners and cookies, I am SUPER excited about sharing the holidays with my friends in Ireland.  I leave Thursday, December 20th and land in Dublin at 7am on Friday.  I will rent a car and then drive the 4 hours to Union Hall.  Luckily I made a few really great friends while I was there in Spring/Summer 2011, so I will spend my time in their homes while I am there!!!  I plan to blog while I am there - so stay tuned!!!

Agnes, Trace and Pamela (and me of course!!)
Carol (Runs the Coffee Shop)