Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Theeeey'rrrreeeee Baaaaack!!

Those asshole gnats are back!  And with a vengeance.  I don't know what prompted them to re-infiltrate my abode.  Mel and I went to the cabin this weekend - and when I got back they had moved in.  They invited all their brothers, cousins and BFFs to move in too.  Maybe Earl the Cat invited them - maybe he was bored, lonely or mad that I left for the weekend and decided to shake things up a bit.  I will discuss this with him later, but I don't feel comfortable leaving him in charge of the house if he is going to let assholes move in while I am gone.  Now I think he can't be trusted.  Nonetheless, I had to drag the "Death Mugs" back out (i.e. DLA Piper and Jones Day coffee cups filled with vinegar) and go back into battle mode to take back my home.  Within fifteen minutes of employing the "Death Mugs" I had already captured dozens of asshole gnats.  I'm not sure if Buddha would approve, but I'm killing those asshole gnats - every last one of them.  I will make up for it (restore my karma) in some other way - I won't step on any ants for a while and I will "try" my best to catch and release any spiders (although that's a weak "try" as you all know how I feel about spiders).  There's a lot of death going down in my place right now.  Hopefully I am not creating any bad death juju.  Maybe I should try some kind of cleansing ritual once I have the situation under control.  If you have any suggestions on how to remove the death juju from my house - I am open to hearing them.

Otherwise, not much new is going on in my world right now.  I am still visiting Conference Room C every day - hanging out with Juniata and Jenny.  Clare is in touch and appears to be enjoying her contract government gig.  We are thinking (hoping) our current gig lasts until the end of July.  My feelings wouldn't be hurt if I had a couple of weeks off between gigs - as long as I know something else is coming around the corner.  I am still enjoying going with the flow.  I signed up for the "Exploring Entrepreneurship: What You Need to Know to Start a Business" class at Emory.  The class was supposed to start today (May 1st), but I got a call yesterday that it has been pushed till May 15th.  It will run one night a week for four weeks once it starts. I am looking forward to the class and will let you know how that goes.

Oh, Darryl and Benji are in Amsterdam - smoking weed no doubt (hee hee hee) and then on to Paris.  If you are interested, Darryl does a great travel blog:  http://www.darrylandbenjitravel.com/

Chat with you more later!!

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